Institutional assessment

Quality assurance within the university


  1. Rankings


1.1. University ranking in international rankings (2020-2023)

1.2. University Ranking in University Metaranking (2016-2020)


  1. Certifications, accreditations, assessments


2.1. External evaluations

2.1.1. External – international institutional evaluations

2.1.2. Programme evaluations and accreditations – international

In 2019, AMSE (Association of European Medical Schools) and ASIIN (Agency for Accreditation of Study Programs in Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences) conducted an external evaluation of the Medicine educational programme at the Faculty of Medicine that resulted in obtaining international accreditation on WFME standards.

2.1.3. External – national institutional evaluations

2.1.4. External programme/domain evaluations — national


2.2. Internal evaluations

UMF “Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca has continuously developed a complex academic evaluation system that uses multiple sources of feedback. It consists of several evaluation processes: semester evaluation of teaching and examination, annual evaluation of study programs by graduates (exit survey), the annual evaluation of the Doctoral School by doctoral students, lecturers of doctoral courses and doctoral supervisors. In addition, the Quality Assurance Department collaborated with other units within the university to develop specific evaluation processes, such as the evaluation of the residency training program and the evaluation of student facilities and support services.

2.2.1. Semester evaluation of teaching and examination by undergraduate students

2.2.2. Evaluation of study programmes by graduates</p

2.2.3. Multidimensional evaluation of the Doctoral School

2.2.4. Other internal evaluation processes


  1. Results of evaluations


3.1. Annual self-evaluation of teachers’ activity

3.2. Quality assurance documents

3.3. Useful links – quality assurance