Didactic Prorectorate

Prof. Dr. Carmen Mihaela Mihu

  • 0264-597256int. 2266
  • 0374-834266
  • prorectoratdidactic@umfcluj.ro

The Didactic Prorectorate ensures the proper conduct of competitions for teaching and research posts and of the examination for promotion in the teaching career.

The Didactic Prorectorate is in charge of the Curriculum Development and Pedagogical Training Department, the Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine and the Centre for Psychological Counselling and Career Guidance and the Centre for Competence in University Management.

It coordinates, together with the deaneries, the composition of the curriculum specific to the various specializations in the university, according to the educational offer, as well as the organization and conduct of the university entrance exam, the preparatory courses for admission and the simulation exam.


0264-597256 int. 2266

E-mail: prorectoratdidactic@umfcluj.ro

8 Victor Babes Street, et. 5, cam. 508
400012 Cluj-Napoca

Didactic Prorectorate Secretary:
Adriana Muntean