Doctoral studies are the form of university education offered to graduates with a bachelor’s degree who wish to acquire additional skills in scientific research. The doctorate will enable the student to learn and apply research methodology and techniques, to practice communicating or publishing research results at the highest level, to take responsibility for developing a research programme, and to critically approach the achievements of other researchers.
The Doctoral School is an institutional structure created in the university in 2005. It is responsible for structuring and developing the curriculum offered to doctoral students for the year of advanced university training, organising the presentation and validation of projects proposed for the years of scientific research, organising the completion of doctoral theses through public presentation.
Having a formative role towards research, the Doctoral School is also invested with the identification and enhancement of nuclei of trained researchers who are willing and able to contribute to the achievement of top performance in terms of specific education offered to young people who want to validate themselves in the field of scientific research.
The Doctoral School of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” consists of all the PhD supervisors and PhD students of the university in the three main fields: medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.
Director CSUD
Audience schedule: Every Tuesday, from 12:30 p.m., at the Doctoral School, str. Louis Pasteur, no. 4, first floor, room 9
Doctoral School Director
Audience schedule: Every Monday, from 12:30 p.m., at the Doctoral School, str. Louis Pasteur, no. 4, first floor, room 9
Registration for the audience is done by submitting an application, at least 3 working days before the day of the audience, to the Doctoral School.
Claudia-Elena Gheran – Secretary Doctoral School
Phone: +40-374 834 123
Fax: +40-264 597 257
Stan Ioana – Secretary Doctoral School
Phone: +40374 – 834.113
Georgeta Pustiu – Secretary Doctoral School
Tel: +40-374 834 113; +40-264 406 839
Fax: +40-264 597 257