The evaluation of the didactic activity by the students is a quality assurance mechanism assumed at the institutional level, both by the teaching staff and by the students. This assessment is a standardized tool for analyzing the quality of the teaching activity, used both at the micro and macro institutional level, starting from the teaching staff themselves up to the highest management structures of the university.
Complementary, the evaluation of the study programs by the graduates covers a wider area of aspects regarding the quality of education in UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, including criteria such as the student facilities available during the studies and the contribution of the study programs to the personal and professional development of the graduates .
By means of these evaluations, our university ensures that the study programs offered to students are in harmony with the current training requirements needed on the health labor market, thus facilitating the development of the skills necessary to become specialists.
The evaluation of the didactic activity takes place every semester and is carried out by undergraduate students by completing specific questionnaires online. For detailed information on how this evaluation process is carried out, we invite you to consult the material below.