Mihaela Felicia Băciuţ
- 0374 834103
- 0264-597256int. 2103
- mbaciut@umfcluj.ro
The Scientific Vice-Rectorate is responsible for all organizational sections of scientific and research activities conducted at the university or in collaboration with other institutions, as well as various essential structures associated with these activities – the “Valeriu Bologa” Library, the “Iuliu Hațieganu” University Medical Publishing House, the “Medicine and Pharmacy Reports” Journal and the “Victor Papilian” Bookshop.
Secretariat of the Scientific Vice-Rectorate: Mihaela Crișan
Address: 8 Victor Babes, 5th floor, room 506, 400012, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail: prorectoratstiintific@umfcluj.ro
Phone: 0374-834103 ; 0264-597256 / 2103
Secretariat of the Scientific Research Ethics Committee: Ec. Adriana Miron
Address: 8 Victor Babes, 6th floor, 400012, Cluj-Napoca
E-mail: etica.cercetare@umfcluj.ro
Phone: 0264-597256 / 2120
Scientific Council
It is the coordinating structure for scientific research activity at university level. A permanent consultative body, it draws up the university’s scientific research plan together with the Scientific Vice-Rectorate. The Scientific Council is chaired by the Vice-Rector of scientific research which is endowed with several authorities by the Charter.
Scientific Council Members:
Scientific Research Ethics Committee
Its mission is to supervise adherence to ethical principles in scientific research conducted on human subjects and experimental animals.
Scientific Research Ethics Committee Members:
Resources provide information about obtaining the Scientific Research Ethics Committee’s approval.
The Scientific Research Ethics Committee Regulation is attached.
The reports of the Scientific Research Ethics Committee can be found in the attachments.
Scientific Activity Monitoring Department
It performs in conjunction with the Scientific Vice-Rectorate and is accountable for assistance in the evaluation of institutional research activities.
Director DMAS: Assoc. Prof. dr. Oana Almasan
E-mail: oana.almasan@umfcluj.ro