Department for Curricular Development and Pedagogical Training

Department for Curricular Development and Pedagogical Training


The Department of Curriculum Development and Pedagogical Training is a newly established university structure. The department is committed to promoting excellence in teaching, thereby contributing to building a dynamic and diverse community.

The department has two missions:

  • To continuously adapt the curriculum of the various study programmes in the university in accordance with ARACIS standards, European trends in the development of medical and pharmaceutical education, and the requirements of the labour market. The Department will identify the current and future needs of the faculties in order to fulfil the educational mission assumed by our University.
  • Psycho-pedagogical training of university teachers
    • The Department provides, through pedagogical training courses, the initial preparation of teachers who wish to combine their teaching and academic careers with clinical practice.
    • Our university is internationally recognised for the professionalism of its teaching staff. A teacher can also benefit from psycho-pedagogical training during his/her academic development.
      The department will promote research activity in medical education, contributing to educational projects that will ensure the training of experts in medical education.

The activities of the department will be supported by lecturers with expertise in different areas of medical education such as curriculum design, teaching skills, research in medical education, simulation and evaluation. Members of the department will collaborate with other similar departments in Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy at home and abroad, as well as with other faculties to promote a team-based model of interprofessional nursing education.

Through innovation in faculty training and assessment of learning, we strive to ensure that our students will have the exceptional skills, knowledge and professional attitude that will ensure effective, patient-centered care.



Department Director: Associate Professor dr. Ioana Corina Bocșan –

Department members:

Dr. Bianca Boșca – Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Andrei Măluțan – Faculty of Medicine
Head of works dr. Dana Matei – Faculty of Medicine
Associate Professor dr. Anca Mesaros – Faculty of Dental Medicine
Dr. Lucia Rus – Faculty of Pharmacy



8 Victor Babes Str., et. 5, 400012 Cluj-Napoca
Phone: 0264-597256 ext. 2266/ 0374834266


Secretariat: Adriana Muntean