No. | Subscribed resource | Publisher | Type of subscription |
1 | Academic Search Ultimate | Ebsco | Consortiul Anelis+ |
2 | AccessPharmacy | McGrow Hill | Instituțional |
3 | British Medical Journals | BMJ | Consortiul Anelis+ |
4 | Cambridge Journals | CUP | Consortiul Anelis+ |
5 | Clarivate Analytics – Derwent Innovations Index | Clarivate Analytics | Consortiul Anelis+ |
6 | Clarivate Analytics – InCites | Clarivate Analytics | Consortiul Anelis+ |
7 | Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science | Clarivate Analytics | Consortiul Anelis+ |
8 | Clinical Key | Elsevier | Consortiul Anelis+ |
9 | Complete Anatomy | Elsevier | Consortiul Anelis+ |
10 | de Gruyter ebooks | De Gruyter | Consortiul Anelis+ |
11 | Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source | Ebsco | Consortiul Anelis+ |
12 | Dynamed | Ebsco | Consortiul Anelis+ |
13 | Elsevier Ebooks - Science Direct Book Series and Handbook Series Package | Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books. ( | Elsevier | Consortiul Anelis+ |
14 | EMBASE | Elsevier | Instituțional |
15 | Emerald eBooks Collection | Emerald Publishing | Consortiul Anelis+ |
16 | Farmacopeea Europeana | EDQM | Instituțional |
17 | IEEE- Now Foundation ebook Collection | IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Ingineers | Consortiul Anelis+ |
18 | iGroup- American Library Association ebook Collection | American Libraries Association - iG Library | Consortiul Anelis+ |
19 | Nature Portofolio Journals | Springer-Nature | Consortiul Anelis+ |
20 | OVID | Wolters Kluwer | Consortiul Anelis+ |
21 | Oxford Journals-STM | OUP | Consortiul Anelis+ |
22 | ProQuest Central | ProQuest | Consortiul Anelis+ |
23 | Sage eBooks Collections | Sage Knowledge | Consortiul Anelis+ |
24 | ScienceDirect Freedom Collection Journals | Elsevier | Consortiul Anelis+ |
25 | SCOPUS | Elsevier | Consortiul Anelis+ |
26 | SpringerLink Journals | Springer | Consortiul Anelis+ |
27 | Taylor & Francis Journals-Med | Taylor & Francis | Consortiul Anelis+ |
28 | UpToDate Anywhere | Wolters Kluwer | Consortiul Anelis+ |
29 | Wiley ebooks | Wiley | Consortiul Anelis+ |
30 | Wiley Journals | Wiley | Consortiul Anelis+ |
University direct subscriptions
Created by the famous Elsevier publishing house, Clinical Key is the most advanced database of full-text medical content available today.
Clinical Key is the world’s first “clinical insight engine”. More than a traditional search engine, ClinicalKey is built from the basics up to Elsevier’s proprietary intelligent content, the EMMeT taxonomy
ClinicalKey provides unparalleled access to concise, reliable answers as well as deep evidence-based content for more complex problems. Covering over 30 medical and surgical specialties, ClinicalKey is able to provide answers by accessing this rich, high-quality content.
How to access:
- Based on institution IP authentication.
- outside the institutional IP network = “remote access”, with institutional email address (…!/remote-access
Training materials:
How to use all the advanced functionality tools available in ClinicalKey:
COMPLETE ANATOMY – provides access to anatomy lectures, atlases or video materials and can be used from personal devices (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.), the Library’s reading rooms or any computer on the university campus.
Download the free version of Complete Anatomy from the App Store for your device:
Launch the app and complete the in-app registration using the institutional email address
More information on the Complete Anatomy platform: Complete Anatomy Help Center.
How to use Complete Anatomy:
Online Webinar
Webinar Passcode: %N56.674
UpToDate is a resource specifically designed to facilitate users’ access to the latest clinical information. It aims to provide clinicians with practical and concise answers at crucial times. The thematic reviews are written by expert clinicians who review the literature and then synthesise the information into specific recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment. In addition, UpToDate also contains industry news, medical practice guidelines, information on various drugs and interactions, calculators, UpToDate Pathways – schemes for dealing with certain conditions, and a section on patient education.
Access link:
EMBASE EMBASE from Elsevier Life Science Solutions is the largest international biomedical database for researchers in biomedical fields. It enables the tracking and retrieval of accurate drug and disease information, from preclinical studies to critical toxicological information. Embase contains over 28 million indexed records from over 8300 journals since 1947, including over 2500 journals not included in Medline. As of 2009, Embase also includes conference abstracts, indexing over 1000 conferences covering 300,000 abstracts annually.
Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science is an online bibliographic and bibliometric database of scientific journals. Available on the Web of Knowledge online platform, it provides access to abstracts of over 11,220 scientific journals and 120,000 scientific conferences in 256 disciplines.
Clarivate Analytics – Derwent Innovations Index contains data on over 14.3 million patents and registered inventions from 40 countries, including Romania. It provides an international overview of an invention, including novelty, legal owner and degree of protection.
AccessPharmacy includes 45 textbooks, drug monographs, references that are essential for pharmacy education, including the current complete edition of the most important pharmacotherapy work currently available, DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic.
To maintain an active user account, re-login via profile login is required once every 90 days.
Full list of titles available in AccessPharmacy.
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) – European Pharmacopoeia Online ( defines the requirements for the qualitative and quantitative composition of medicinal products, the tests to be carried out on medicinal products and on the substances and materials used to produce them.
Open access resources
The ScienceDirect platform provides full-text access to more than 25% of the world’s information in the sciences, humanities, technology and medicine. It is unquestionably the most important academic information resource of our time. The ANELiS project provides access to over 1800 full-text journals (+archives).
SpringerLink is one of the most widely used electronic scholarly resources in the country. It includes journals and books published by Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff and Birkhäuser. The ANELiS project provides access to over 1800 full-text journals (+archives).
PROQUEST Academic Research Library provides access to full text and abstracts from scientific research journals in online format, without other magnetic or paper media. On a single online platform you have access to information in over 160 scientific fields: economics, literature, geography, psychology, science, law, general interest journals and newspapers, education, religion, health, humanities, computing, etc. from academic publishers worldwide. Through the ANELiS project you have access to more than 4070 journals in all scientific fields, of which more than 2800 are full text.
The Oxford Journals platform provides full-text access to foreign scientific research journals in online format, without other magnetic or paper media. It is offered by one of the world’s largest academic publishers, a publisher motivated by the quality of its publications. You will recognise the commitment of this publisher in the standards of its journal portfolio totalling 211 titles grouped into 6 disciplines, of which 125 journals are ISI listed.
Cambridge Journals is a collection of 380 peer-reviewed scientific journals in various fields, published by the prestigious Cambridge University Press. The journals are available in full text on the Cambridge Core online platform.
Nature is the Nature Publishing Group’s (NPG) world’s most highly appreciated science weekly. Launched in 1869, its stated mission from the beginning was to develop publications, examine opportunities arising from the emergence of new technologies and help grow its readership.
Nature Publishing Group publishes 140 journals (of which 88 have ISI impact factor) and online databases in the fields of life sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and clinical medicine.
Academic Search Complete – multidisciplinary database of over 4600 full-text journals. Some of the journals are embargoed for 6 – 12 months.
SCOPUS – abstract database containing more than 50 million references from 21,000 journal titles.
The Wiley Online Library research platform provides full-text access to foreign scholarly research journals in online format, without other magnetic or paper support. The Wiley Online Library platform was launched at the end of July 2010, replacing the Wiley InterScience platform.
The Wiley Online Library platform contains 1500 journals, over 14,000 online books, hundreds of reference works, databases and other resources.
The Wiley Online Library provides access to more than 4 million articles from over 1,500 journals from John Wiley & Sons publishers, including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH and Jossey-Bass imprints.
The LWW Premier Journal Collection Plus is an exclusive combination of 23 premium journals published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins publishers, one of the world’s leading sources of essential, relevant and highly cited clinical journals for medical, nursing and health science research, regardless of discipline.
Taylor and Francis Journal Collection
Taylor & Francis has been dedicated for over two centuries to publishing the highest quality scholarly literature, with the aim of promoting human progress through knowledge. Taylor and Francis Group is the Academic Publishing Division of Informa Group PLC.
Medical & Pharmaceutical Science (MPS)Library – contains over 170 medical titles providing users with access to the latest high-impact content such as:
- Allied & Public Health;
- Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience;
- General Medicine & Dentistry (Oncology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology; Opthalomology; Orthopedics, Endocrinology);
- Pharmaceutical Science & Toxicology.
BMJ Journal Collection
British Medical Journals publishes some of the most cited and widely read magazines in the world.Supports health professionals and researchers worldwide. The journal collection includes some of the most influential titles in their field. In partnership with the Royal Colleges and leading academic and professional medical organisations, BMJ publishes the latest and most relevant research.
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source
Link acces: Advanced Search: EBSCOhost
Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source is a database containing bibliographic and abstract descriptions of articles. All journals in the fields of dentistry and dental sciences are indexed here, which are usually purchased by dental schools and other institutions in the field.
DynaMed is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other healthcare professionals for use at the point of care.
Access link: DynaMed
Academic Search Ultimate
Link acces: Advanced Search: EBSCOhost
The world’s best database of full-text multidisciplinary journals – includes Expanding International Content. EBSCO has the most important and highly regarded academic vocabularies developed by experts in the field, covering all major disciplines and publishers.
Discover the ebook collections available to Anelis Plus consortium members
Following the purchase and subscription procedures carried out by the Association of Universities, Research and Development Institutions and Central University Libraries in Romania – ANELIS PLUS, member institutions have access to a variety of e-book collections (ebooks) from some of the most prestigious international publishers: Cambridge University Press (4 collections: Medicine, Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Computer Science), Wiley ( 11 collections: Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Life Sciences, Computer Science & Information Technology, Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Humanities, Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare, Psychology), and iGroup – American Library Association (ALA).
Scientific eBook collections purchased from Wiley Publishing can be found on the Wiley Online Library platform. These collections provide complete and comprehensive access to scientific information, providing users with a synthesis of fundamental scientific discoveries.
De Gruyter has been publishing academic literature of the highest level for over 270 years. The company releases more than 1,300 new book titles each year in the humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences and law; publishes more than 800 journals; and offers a wide range of digital content. It publishes books in 29 subject areas, currently over 2,860 titles are acquired through the Consortium.
Emerald Publishing has a portfolio of academic books that reflect the latest emerging trends from leading authors and publishers in their fields.
Books cover a wide range of topics and all content is rigorously reviewed.
Published formats include Monographs, Emerald Points, Professional Business, Handbooks and Textbooks.
IG Library is a state-of-the-art e-book platform developed by IG Publishing. With a user-friendly interface, it enables the retrieval of information from the available e-book collections. Resources are retrieved from the database belonging to the ALA (American Library Association), which since its founding in 1876 has published periodicals and books dedicated to library and information professionals.
User guide :
Access link:
Our library offers online access to over 200 titles. You can access them within the library. For this purpose, please contact the librarians at the Public Relations Service (4th floor – Victor Babeș Street; Hasdeu Library). List of titles – see annex.
ANELIS Plus National Warehouse
The national repository developed within the ANELIS Plus Project, both through the acquisition of archives and through the contribution of scientific publications of the Romanian academic community, which allows the Romanian scientific and educational community online access to open access resources.
Access is based on the free creation of an ANELIS Plus account. Link:
The Cochrane database is available from the Wiley Interscience platform. It is the leading resource for evidence-based medicine, containing over 6000 systematic reviews and over 600,000 clinical trials. It is full-text, indexed by fields, authors and keywords.
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca has joined the Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) of the MDPI in 2021.
The IOAP program is designed to support institutions in facilitating the transition to the Open Access publishing model. Researchers affiliated with participating universities benefit from a 15% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC) for publication in one of the MDPI journals.
MDPI publishes peer-reviewed OA journals with an emphasis on both rapid and thorough editorial processing. Their aim is to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers made available to the academic community as quickly as possible. MDPI is also at the forefront of the Open Access movement, having launched its first online journal, “Molecules” in 1996, and is now a leader in Open Access publishing, holding over 300 journals in a wide range of scientific fields (
In addition, it offers the following multidisciplinary services to disseminate Open Access research (SciForum, PrePrints, JAMS)