Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine

The Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca is the first of its kind in Romania.




The Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine of UMF “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca offers learning and training opportunities for all levels of medical practice in most disciplines. The final goal of the Centre’s operation is to increase patient safety and the safety of medical practice.

The new methods of medical education and practice based on simulation allow to obtain the correct medical skills and attitudes in an organized setting, under the supervision of competent instructors, following a well-structured program and, very importantly, without risks to patients.

By progressively exposing trainees (students or doctors) to different challenging aspects of medical work, similar to what is encountered in everyday practice, errors will be reduced and the quality of the medical act will be increased.

The existence of complex, interdisciplinary scenarios will allow learning teamwork and management of critical situations.




  • To provide practical education and training based on medical and surgical simulation and to increase the level of professional development of medical staff.
  • Continuous improvement of the medical education system by using the most effective training methods, the most advanced equipment and technologies, so that patients receive top quality medical care in maximum safety.
  • The use of medical simulation techniques and equipment to ensure individualised learning, both cognitive and procedural.
  • Promoting interdisciplinary learning and teamwork, improving communication skills and increasing professionalism.
  • Increasing the level of medical education through simulation, developing innovative teaching methods and participating in studies and research in the field.
  • Collaborating with medical units and structures involved in healthcare at local and national level to increase the safety of healthcare. On the same level, the aim is to introduce specific standards and accreditations for different aspects of modern medicine.




The Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine addresses the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj-Napoca students.
  • Resident doctors under the coordination of UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, according to their specialty and training curricula.
  • Doctors working in hospitals and medical centres in Cluj County.
  • Students and doctors from other university centres in the country and abroad, through participation in specific courses and through educational and research collaboration activities.
  • Other categories of personnel involved in emergency activities: firefighters, paramedics, military, police, gendarmes, etc. The existence of complex simulation facilities will allow specific training. It will be possible to simulate different situations where a rapid and coordinated intervention of both medical and other personnel is required: road accidents, fires, chemical or biological accidents, etc.
  • Ministry of Health and central specialist committees. The Centre will be able to organise examinations to obtain specialist or primary medical qualifications in various specialities, especially those related to emergency activity (ATI, emergency medicine, surgery, etc.).
  • Public or private companies in industrial and service fields related to medical activity, with a view to developing specific products and equipment such as medical instruments, biomaterials, biotechnologies, etc.




The Centre for Practical Skills and Simulation in Medicine of UMF Iuliu Hațieganu is modularly structured, so as to take maximum advantage of the existing space and facilities.

Within this modular structure, there are different laboratories specific to each activity.

The number of these labs and the existing facilities are constantly growing, depending on space and funding limitations.



Laboratory for basic medical operations.

This laboratory is mainly intended for students and resident doctors who are just starting out in their work. This laboratory is used to learn basic medical techniques so that they can be carried out on patients in maximum safety. The facilities include computerised training programmes, equipment (models) and instruments capable of simulating the following manoeuvres as close as possible to reality: injections (intramuscular, intravenous), setting up perfusions, setting up vesical catheters in women and men, setting up nasogastric catheters, rectal and vaginal coughs, wound care and bandages.

  • Injection simulator – Multi-layer simulator holder for practicing intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection techniques.
  • Nasogastric intubation and tracheal care manikin- designed for practice in the care of respiratory patients and gastrointestinal treatment procedures with nasal and oral access.
  • Seymour II Wound Care Cast – The cast is of a 74-year-old patient and allows practice of wound cleansing, grading, staging and assessment techniques.
  • Female Pelvic Simulator – The life-size simulator is an anatomically and tactilely accurate representation of the female pelvis, designed for examination and diagnosis of pathologies and abnormalities.
  • Rectal Cough Simulator – A realistic representation of the human torso, with anus and rectum allowing practice of diagnostic skills associated with rectal cough.
  • Advanced catheterization simulator, male and female – These simulators allow learning the urethral and suprapubic catheterization procedure on correct male and female urethral anatomy respectively. The catheter encounters natural resistance along the urethra to the vesicle.


Laboratory for basic surgical techniques

Allows learning on synthetic and biological models how to perform different types of sutures, incisions, surgical knots, suture removal, etc.

  • PHaSES Suture Set – The PHaSES Set is designed to be used for creating and improving intermediate and advanced surgical skills as well as tissue handling skills needed by a surgeon in training.


Emergency manoeuvre laboratory

Allows learning on simple and complex simulators of cardiorespiratory resuscitation techniques, airway management, general and specific management of the trauma patient (cervical immobilisation, emergency fracture reduction and immobilisation, active bleeding control, defibrillation, patient transport, etc.). Simulators allow learning these techniques on both child and adult patients.

  • ResusciAnne SkillReporter – is an adult CPR manikin that focuses on the student by reporting on ventilation and compression flexibility. In addition, first aid and extrication practice can be included by adding optional first aid and rescue limbs and airway module.
  • The child resuscitation manikin – Resusci Junior Laerdal- provides realistic training for resuscitation of a child. It has full conformation and can optionally use the SkillGuide device.
  • Ultimate Hurt – Multi-purpose manikin for first aid, extrication and trauma care. Trauma modules can replace the dummy’s blank modules to simulate realistic first aid and life support scenarios.
  • Chocking Charlie – is an adult torso designed specifically to train students in the application of the Heimlich maneuver. The natural anatomy and reaction with simulated bowls gives instructors an excellent tool for teaching and practicing this first aid technique.
  • The Laerdal Airway Management Manikin – consists of a human torso and head that simulates the real complications that can occur when applying a variety of intubation, ventilation and suctioning techniques.


 Anaesthesia and intensive care laboratory

Allows simulation of complex situations where advanced life support is needed. Students and doctors can learn specific manoeuvres: spinal puncture, difficult intubation, anaesthesia, intraanaesthetic monitoring, etc.

  • Laerdal SimMan 3G patient simulator – SimMan 3G is the most advanced generation of medical simulators produced by Laerdal, completely wireless, with integrated aids in the simulator body, technically advanced and at the same time very easy to use.
  • Laerdal SimBaby patient simulator – has been specifically designed to meet the training requirements based on anaesthesia scenarios, advanced paediatric life support and difficult airway procedures.
  • The Advanced Life Support Simulator – Laerdal ALS Simulator – is an interactive, practice manikin for simulating a wide range of advanced life support skills.
  • The Advanced Life Support Infant Manikin – ALS Baby Laerdal – is designed for practicing infant resuscitation techniques. The manikin reproduces a three-month-old infant with an anatomy that offers maximum realism in practice. It also provides the opportunity to practice resuscitation skills including airway management, professional emergency resuscitation, venous access and EKG monitoring.
  • Laerdal SimMan patient simulator – is an advanced patient simulator that allows exercise-based learning of emergency patient care, requiring teamwork. Features natural anatomy and clinical functions
  • Laerdal VitalSim electronic simulator – is designed for use in medical practice within emergency medicine and care. It can be used with different types of manikins to simulate vital signs such as breathing, pulse, blood pressure, EKG, heart, lung and abdominal sounds. Vocal sounds can also be generated.
  • Central venipuncture torso – The most realistic tool for learning arterial puncture, the manikin allows you to practice intravenous access techniques for both advanced cardiac procedures and trauma management. The manikin has been designed specifically to achieve educational goals in training programs.
  • Advanced venipuncture arm – This simulator is ideal for practicing skills related to venipuncture, venesection and IV gill application on a realistic and easy-to-use platform.


Ultrasound Lab

Allows simulation-based learning of basic ultrasound, emergency ultrasound, interventional ultrasound (ultrasound-guided punctures, biopsies, etc).

  • GE Healthcare Venue 40 Ultrasound – The Venue 40 ultrasound system is designed for procedures in surgery, emergency medicine, intensive care and care of the musculoskeletal system. The Venue 40 provides rapid diagnostic and needle guidance capabilities in a variety of procedures including vascular access, aspiration, nerve block, therapeutic injections, biopsy and vein care.
  • MedSim UltraSim Advanced Ultrasound Simulator – allows healthcare professionals to develop and refine their ultrasound scanning and interpretation skills in a controlled environment without real patients. UltraSim users perform “virtual” ultrasound examinations by scanning a mannequin that replicates a human torso and accessing ultrasound data of actual cases recorded with the probe in relation to the area being examined. When the probe moves, the image on the screen changes, providing an authentic ultrasound scanning experience.


Endoscopy lab

Allows you to learn various simple and complex endoscopic manoeuvres: gastroscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, endoscopic haemoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, etc.

  • Combined endoscopy and bronchoscopy simulator Simbionix GI-BRONCH Mentor – is a combined virtual reality platform for practice simulation in gastrointestinal endoscopy and flexible bronchoscopy. In addition, the Simulator provides a wide range of activities for skill training as well as clinical procedures, from basic endoscopic skills to advanced procedures such as Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS).


Obstetrics Laboratory.

Allows learning about normal and pathological childbirth.

PROMPT birth simulator – allows instructors to effectively present complex situations associated with childbirth and participants can practice the skills necessary for successful birth attendance. The simulator offers the possibility to visualise the manoeuvres and their effects on the foetus by having a removable abdomen.


The laboratory for advanced surgical techniques, minimally invasive surgery and microsurgery. It allows learning surgical techniques from different surgical specialties by using dedicated simulators, different software programs, synthetic and biological models. The laboratory simulates real operating theatre conditions and different surgical procedures can be performed: laparoscopic digestive surgery (cholecystectomies, obesity surgery, colectomies, etc.), laparoscopic gynaecological surgery, ENT surgery, orthopaedic surgery (arthroscopy), urological surgery (nephrectomy), microsurgery, etc.

View surgical laboratory programme


Surgical room for simulation and animal surgery – allows learning surgical techniques in different surgical specialties using dedicated simulators, different software programs, synthetic and biological models. In the laboratory, real operating theatre conditions are simulated and different surgeries can be performed: laparoscopic digestive surgery (cholecystectomies, obesity surgery, colectomies, etc.), laparoscopic gynaecological surgery, ENT surgery, orthopaedic surgery (arthroscopy), urological surgery (nephrectomy), microsurgery, etc.


Karl Storz SMARTCART endoscopic system – offers many innovative features for efficiency and ergonomics in the application of procedures, as well as patient and user safety. The installed equipment consists of electronic insufflator, Xenon Nova 175 cold light source, AIDA compact NEO gold data recording device, Autocon II 400 Electrosurgery unit, Powershaver SL arthroscopic technology, Unidrive S III ECO neurosurgery and spinal surgery unit system, Image 1 Hub video system, Duomat irrigation and aspiration system and Unidrive GYN insufflator.


Dräger Fabius Plus anaesthesia machine – is a compact machine whose modular structure ensures the combination of quality ventilation with superior flexibility and integrative capacity. It has been designed to provide a wide range of options and accessories, allowing the device to be configured to the requirements of each user.


Simbionix LAP Mentor laparoscopic simulator – is a platform for practicing laparoscopic techniques at any level and in any discipline, including gynaecology, urology and general surgery. The superior technology allows simulation of complex laparoscopic procedures, very similar to real life situations, in a safe environment.


Brechtold Chromophare E650 lighting system – is an efficient lighting system that uses BRITe halogen light sources in a perfectly adaptable and flexible system for the needs of the operating theatre. The optical technology used ensures bright, uniform light and shadow fading.


Surgical table – Adjustable, stainless steel table with drainage and supports for equipment needed for surgery.