
Tutoring is a programme of support and counselling for students, with the aim of facilitating their integration into university education, providing guidance in choosing the most appropriate didactic, cultural and social options specific to student life, with the objective of improving academic results. The tutorial system encourages communication and students’ trust towards the university and the academic environment.

Students will be encouraged to present their problems and request tutor support mainly electronically. Electronic tutoring, as a modern form of expression of personal tutoring, will be encouraged by all means.


  • To adapt and integrate students as well as possible into academic life
  • To optimise students’ achievements in the learning process
  • Personal development and professional orientation of students
  • Facilitate student-teacher-administration communication
  • Early identification of possible problems related to the teaching process
  • Removing the impression of insecurity in the education process


Tutoring consists of the tutor’s personal communication activities with the students who are assigned to them, by either direct meetings or through electronically.

During his activity, the tutor must be communicative, show patience and interest, be willing to understand the student’s problems, giving the students confidence in the usefulness of his actions.

Duties of the year tutors

  1. counselling students in academic matters
  2. counselling students in administrative and social matters
  3. supporting students in adapting to the requirements of the university system, to the way of learning and organisation of time, especially in lower years
  4. informing the faculty management about:
    1. special social situations requiring help
    2. difficult school situations occurring during the school year
  5. making contact with students’ families regarding particular difficult/unusual school situations
  6. career guidance for final year students based on learning outcomes and aptitudes
  7. informing students about existing research opportunities
  8. mediation of medical and psychological support

Obligations of year tutors

  • to meet with the tutored students once/month to find out their problems
  • to be available for any requests outside the scheduled meetings and for “electronic” tutoring
  • provide students with multiple communication possibilities: e-mail, consultations, telephone.

Limits of tutorial activity

It is not expected that:

  • the tutor to be involved in solving the students’ personal problems
  • the tutor to become a substitute for parents
  • will not try to make students into clones of themselves and will not make value judgements about students’ abilities, behaviour and attitudes
  • will not become involved in possible student-teacher conflict situations unless specifically asked to mediate
  • will not exceed the limits of behaviour required by the University Code of Ethics


Tutors for the year 2022-2023:

Nr. crt.Numele şi PrenumeleTUTORE LA  ANUL/LINIA
1Conf. dr. Alexandra AghiorghieseiI – română
2Conf. dr. Anca MesaroșI – franceză
3Șef lucr. dr. Alexandru GrecuI – engleză
4Conf. dr. Sorana BaciuII – română
5Conf. dr. Bogdan CulicII – franceză
6Șef lucr. dr. Cristina GasparikII – engleză
7Conf. dr. Ada DeleanIII – română
8Șef lucr. dr. Mădălina MoldovanIII – franceză
9Șef lucr. dr. Andreea KuiIII – engleză
10Conf. dr. Alina PicoșIV – română
11Conf. dr. Alexandrina MunteanIV – franceză
12Conf. dr. Radu ChisnoiuIV – engleză
13Conf. dr. Dana FeştilăV – română
14Conf. dr. Andrada SoancăV – franceza
15Prof. dr. Ilea ArankaV – engleza
16Conf. dr. Maria AluașVI – română
17Şef lucr. dr. Cristian OlteanuVI – franceză
18Prof. dr. Smaranda BuduruVI – engleză
19Șef lucr. dr. Alexandra BotoşI Tehnică Dentară
20Șef lucr. dr. L aurențiu PascuII Tehnică Dentară
21Șef lucr. dr. Alexandru BurdeIIl Tehnică Dentară