Dentistry Student Organisation

Organizația Studenților Stomatologi / Dental Medicine Students’ Organisation

OSS was created in 1995 for representing the students at a University level. Its structure was changed for improving its eiciency and for developing it in the most favourable direction in terms of human and professional relationships. OSS has a two-fold activity, including the academic side, i.e. representing the students at a University level, as well as an NGO-type activity. The organisation has three departments (Technical – IT support, Scientific – coordinating the organisation’s scientific activities, and International Students – facilitating the integration of the French- and English-speaking students’ integration in the academic and social local environment) and carries out its activity through its 8 projects (DENTis, the International Dental Students’ Congress, Give Smiling, Cavities Prophylactics, Open Gates Day, the Wisdom Tooth journal, Support for 1st Year Students, the Baby Teeth Ball, InterDentis and StomaFun).


To view all student organizations of UMF “Iuliu Haţieganu”Cluj-Napoca, access the following link